专业提示Professional tips:产品有试机试频如有需要请与卖家联系,也非常欢迎你随时到我厂试机,把你的需求告知我们!If you need to contact the seller, you are welcome to try the machine at our factory at any time. 产品参数Product parameters 品牌:欣加特 Brand:XINJIATE 名称:肉丝肉片机 The name of the:Meat slicer 型号:XJT-R -132 Specifications:XJT-R -132 电压:220/110v Voltage:220/110v 频率:60HZ/50hz Frequency:60/50hz 功率:0.75KW power:0.75KW 外形尺寸: 535×385×490mm Size: 535×385×490mm 重量:39kg The weight of the::39kg The weigh产量:250kg/h Production:250kg/h 刀组转速:160r/min Knife set speed:160r/min 切片厚度:2-30mm The thickness of the slice:2-30mm 产品用途Product use 欣加特XJT-R -132较新款切肉机、可切鱼肉、猪肉、鸡胸肉、牛肉、鱼皮、海带等进行切片,切丝,切丁适合酒楼、餐厅、肉档、加工厂The latest meat cutting machine, can cut fish, pork, chicken breast meat, beef, fish skin, kelp, etc. for slicing, cutting silk, cutting ding suitable for restaurants, restaurants, processing plants 设备特点Characteristics of the equipment 较新款高档型切肉机,整机使用优质不锈钢,进口特殊不锈钢加硬刀片,悬臂式刀组设计,卫生耐用,方便清冼更换,可根据客户要求订制2-30MM的厚度规格,满足不同客户的使用需求Latest high-grade type cutting machine, the machine use high quality stainless steel, imported special hardened stainless steel blade, cantilever type knife group design, health, durable, convenient erase change, can be customized according to customer requirements 2-30 mm thickness specifications, meet different customer needs