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低温液体储罐,低温液体储槽的结构、型式,近几年低温液体市场日益红火,液氧、液氩、液氮,液体二氧化碳,LNG天然气销量大幅增加,所以制氧机副产品这一块创利十分可观,成为钢铁企业非钢产品收入重要部分 。低温液体的生产、储存、运输离不开绝热保温储槽,他们被大量的安装、使用。
中文名 低温液体储罐 c 准状态下的气液体积比 t 稳定气体时间 v 被测储罐有效容积
真空粉末储槽为双层圆筒结构、内筒及其配管均用奥氏不锈钢制造,外壳用炭钢制造,夹层充满膨胀珍珠岩(又称珠光砂)同时设置了经过特殊处理的吸附剂,并抽成高真空度(0.5~6Pa),容量为200m3以下。工作压力较高(四车间钢包底吹氩两个储槽工作压力为2.0 Mpa),槽外有气化器,既可使槽内升压便于充车,又可直接送出压力气。按用途可分为固定式和运输式两种,固定式主要用于低温液体的储存,它安装在低温液体的生产地、使用点或供应站;运输式将低温液体从生产地或供应站运往使用点,常有陆运、水运等形式,他们分别称为槽车、拖车及槽船。
充液的操作 filling operation
Filling fluid is divided into the first filling and filling fluid.
The first filling operation is as follows:
2.1.1 储罐吹除置换干净达到要求后,将充液管线与储罐的充液接头连接,液位计组合阀处于平衡状态准备充液。
After the tank blows off to replace the cleanliness meets the requirements, the filling liquid line is connected with the liquid filling joint of the tank, and the liquid level gauge combination valve is in an equilibrium state to be filled.
2.1.2充入与液体二氧化碳纯度相同的气体,使罐内压力达到0.8 Mpa以上,方可进行充液。 filled with the same purity of liquid carbon dioxide gas, the tank pressure reached 0.8 Mpa above, before filling.
2.1.3 将充液管线接通槽车,先开启V5残液阀,排出管线内的杂质气体后,再开启V1进液阀和V7排气阀,V8液位计组合阀处于全开状态,显示液位计读数进行充液。
The filling liquid line connected tanker, first open the V5 raffinate valve, exhaust gas impurities within the pipeline, and then open the V1 inlet valve and V7 exhaust valve, V8 level gauge combination valve is fully open state, Display level meter readings are filled.
2.1.4 在充液过程中,当液位计指示液位接近标定值时,可间断开启V4充满指示阀,如有液体喷出,应立即停止充液,关闭V4充满指示阀。
During the filling process, when the liquid level gauge indicates the liquid level approaches the calibration value, the V4 may be intermittently opened to indicate the valve. If any liquid is ejected, liquid filling should be stopped immediately and the V4 valve should be closed.
Close the V1 inlet valve and the V7 exhaust valve, open the V5 residual valve, remove the filling line, and fill with liquid.
The procedure for replenishing the priming solution is the same as for the first priming procedure, except that the priming solution can be replenished extensively from the beginning.
储罐的增压 Tank pressurization
The carburetor (available separately) can be used for boosting when the reservoir is supplied externally and requires stable discharge pressure. The operation is as follows:
Open the V2 drain valve to vaporize the liquid carbon dioxide vaporizer and open the V3 return valve (the V3 return valve can be normally open depending on the return air line of the user). The gas diverted from the vaporizer returns to the upper part of the tank , So that the pressure tank.
When the tank pressure reaches 2.1Mpa, the valve can be temporarily closed V3 return gas valve.
During drainage, the degree of pressurization can be maintained at a pressure-stable level by controlling the opening of the V3 return valve.


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