一,每个环都制定详细的质量管理标准。从产品设计、工艺流程到车间生产,再到运输和出售,都制定了详细、可控的管理标准。 First, detailed quality management standards are formulated for each link. Detailed and controllable management standards have been formulated from product design, process flow, workshop production, transportation and sale.
压饼机器适合商场、**超市、市场等经营场所。 电动蛋卷机上下为加厚板(克服了老式蛋卷机不耐高温,易损坏的弱点),进口加热管装置,很大限度的增强了耐用程度,内部加热管布局合理,蛋卷受热均匀,色泽鲜艳。
4.压饼机器提供有关的全套技术文件、系统的售后技术支持、提供备品备件、后续技术咨询服务;提供配套设备的咨询服务; 针对所售出的产品对用户及*的相关人员进行从基础应用到产品维护、故障排除等方面的相关专业的技术培训。使相关人员能够熟练使用该设备,并对设备进行简单的设置、维修和保养。
但是每个客户的配方不太一样,可以根据配方自行调节温度。如果鸡蛋含量比较多,水少,温度在145度左右。7.蛋卷机型号分为三种。8模、10模、12模.8.蛋卷机花纹分为平板、方格、条纹或定制9.蛋卷机加热板大小可定制10.蛋卷机自动跳板功能。当一个加热板坏了之后,可以在不影响生产的情况下,自动调过此板,等生产完毕,温度冷却后,换上加热板即可。 But each customer's recipe is not the same, you can adjust the temperature according to the recipe. If the egg content is more, less water, the temperature is about 145 degrees. 7. Egg roll machine models are divided into three types. 8, 10, 12. 8. Egg roll machine pattern is divided into flat, square, stripe or custom 9. Egg roll machine heating plate size can be customized 10. Egg roll machine automatic springboard function. When a heating plate is broken, it can be automatically adjusted without affecting the production. After the production is finished and the temperature is cooled, the heating plate can be replaced.